Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Twelve houses of birth chart | Astrology Readings

Judgment of houses of a birth chart

Chapter 11 of Brihat Parashara Hora Shashtra deals with the significations related with all twelve houses of a birth chart. It is only after knowing these significations that appropriate astrology readings can be given.

Below given is the conversation, translated in easy English language, between Sage Maitereya and Maharishi Parashara on the subject.

1. O Maharishi Parashara, I have come to know of the evils and antidotes thereof from you. Please tell me, what is to be deduced from each Bhava | House.

2. Significations of First Bhava | House.Maharishi Parashara replies.
Physique, appearance, intellect (or the organ of intelligence, i.e. brain), complexion of the body, vigour, weakness, happiness, grief and innate nature are all to be guessed through the ascending Rāśi.

3. Significations of Second Bhava | House. Wealth, grains (food etc.), family, death, enemies, metals, precious stones etc. are to be understood through Dhan Bhava | House.

4. Significations of Third Bhava | House. From Third Bhava | House know of the following: valour, servants (attending etc.), brothers, sisters etc., initiatory instructions (Upadesh), journey and parent’s death.

5. Significations of Fourth Bhava | House. Conveyances, relatives, mother, happiness, treasure, lands and buildings are to be consulted through Bandhu Bhava | House.

6. Significations of Fifth Bhava | House. The learned should deduce from Fifth Bhava | House amulets, sacred spells, learning, knowledge, sons, royalty (or authority), fall of position etc.

7. Significations of Sixth Bhava | House. Maternal uncle, doubts about death, enemies, ulcers, step-mother etc. are to be estimated from Ari Bhava | House.

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8. Significations of Seventh Bhava | House. Wife, travel, trade, loss of sight, death etc. be known from Seventh Bhava | House.

9. Significations of Eighth Bhava | House. Randhr Bhava | House indicates longevity, battle, enemies, forts, wealth of the dead and things, that have happened and are to happen (in the past and future births).

10. Significations of Ninth Bhava | House. Fortunes, wife’s brother, religion, brother’s wife, visits to shrines etc. be known from Ninth Bhava | House.

11. Significations of Tenth Bhava | House. Royalty (authority), place, profession (livelihood), honour, father, living in foreign lands and debts are to be understood from Tenth Bhava | House.

12. Significations of Eleventh Bhava | House. All articles, son’s wife, income, prosperity, quadrupeds etc. are to be understood from Eleventh Bhava | House.

13. Significations of Twelfth Bhava | House. From Twelfth Bhava | House, one can know about expenses, history of enemies, one’s own death etc.

Thereafter, Maharishi Parashara describe the method of analyzing a house in the following verses

14-16. Prosperity, or Annihilation of a Bhava | House.

Predict prosperity of the Bhava | House, which is conjunct with, or aspected by a benefic. Also, when its Lord is in Yuvavastha, or Prabuddhavastha, or in Kismaravastha, or in Karm Bhava | House, the Bhava | Houses well-being is indicated. The Bhava | House, which is not aspected by its Lord, or, whose Lord is with a malefic Planet, or with one of the Lords of evil and such other Bhava | Houses (i.e. 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th), or is defeated in a planetary war, or is in one of the three Avasthas, viz, Vriddhavastha, Mritavastha and Suptavastha.