Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Barack Obama Horoscope | Vedic Astrology Analysis

Barack Obama Sr., father of Barack Obama, died In November 1982 and at that time Rahu/Jupiter period was operational on his corrected horoscope.  As can be seen, Jupiter is having its inauspicious aspect on Moon (tenth house lord), Sun (significator for father) and Mercury (ninth house lord).  And, during main period of Rahu (making union with second house lord Mars) – such event is possible generating inauspicious results pertaining to family and father.   During Jupiter/Mars, while playing basket-ball, Obama suffered a minor injury on 26 November 2010, which is also looking possible as such Mars is Maraka planet; and capable of generating health issues or injuries during main period of Jupiter (lord of sixth house signifying injuries, diseases and enemies).
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Barack Obama Horoscope | Vedic Astrology Analysis